So far so good…so far

I’m pleased to report that I’m on my third consecutive ‘successful’ day this work week. It hasn’t happened in a LONG time but that’s three successful days in a row which – for better or worse, after years of trying otherwise – in my mind is a direct function of my productivity. 

Theee lessons come to mind from this week’s track record:

1. Accept Who You Are: As I’ve said before, years of trying to change it, my beliefs remain as strong as ever; that a productive day = a successful day = a happy and satisfying day. There’s a Theory X vs. Theory Y Management story here for another day. 

2. Celebrate Small Victories: Three days in a row (in a 5 day workweek) may sound like a small victory, but celebrating those is just as important as larger ones, and far more valuable than stewing over my shortcomings or missed goals. 

3. Stick to What Works…Religiously: Each day this week I stuck to a formula that seems to be working:

  • Getting up as soon as my alarm goes off and showering right away
  • Spending little to no time watching the news over morning coffee
  • Taking my meds (Vyvanse in particular)
  • Just doing instead of thinking
  • Getting out of the house and into the office as soon as I can

What do you think? Apart from exercise, what’s missing from my morning routine? And am I the only one who finds this a morning victory and not just a routine?

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